sparkling minds gathering
Committed individuals from all over the World are welcome to participate in this precious location to enhance, consolidate and share their particular views, through a research program that aims to strengthen their connection with nature and provide optimal conditions for inspiration, reflexion and co-creation towards a more profound understanding of our reality.
Gift yourself Time and Space for Change
on the precepts of the
"Be the change you wish to see in the world.” - Mahatma Gandhi
When Art meets Science and Spirituality the purpose is clear: Understand our reality in a more profound way and restore our spiritual connection with nature, source of the mystery that inspires all true art and true science.
The state of emergency in which the world is immersed nowadays, demands a radical change on the way we coexist. This intellectual gathering is meant to exchange ideas on how to face the generational challenges of our times with responsibility, and all our abilities and best intentions.
What can you expect to achieve during this residency?
- Celebrate our multicultural World by loving the Thai culture & land
- Strengthen your ecologic commitment with life and nature
- Decode the latest theories, findings and hypotheses of our current understanding of reality from various disciplines of research
- Get inspiration from visionaries who push the limits forward
- Learn how to control, focus and expand the mind to master of the intuitive & manifesting abilities of consciousness
- Detox you organism and realign your energy vortexes
- Recharge your natural flow of creativity and put it into practice
Kindly sharing our knowledge and bringing an open mind to learn from others, are the core precepts of this program, where you will meet like-minded individual from all over the World to debate the latest ideas on ecology, spirituality and art.
A deep immersion into the exuberant beauty of our natural world which would definitely bring a radical mindset change for everyone present, creating an international cohesive community, able to lead the change that our civilization needs.
- Let's ask nature to show us the way -
Mens sana in corpore sano
Benefit from some of the most powerful techniques to detoxify, reconnect and balance your body and your mind, realigning your energetic vortexes with nature, while releasing possible tensions and traumas, clearing the path to higher inspiration and co-creation.
- Hatha, Asthanga Vinyasa & Nidra Yoga guided imagery training
- Vipassana Meditation training
- Natural extracts & superfoods
- Ecstatic dance ritual
Organic code
Humanity has taken different paths in its search for Truth, such as Art (ars, techne), Science (episteme), Intuition (nous) & Wisdom (sophia). By creating and walking bridges that interconnect their findings and complementary methods, new possibilities to analyze reality are created:
- Bio art
- Land art
- Nature photo safaris
- Poetry realms project
Mental imagery
Revising contemporaneity, transcendental artworks, and practicing the human ability of visualizing mental imagery, would expand the outreach of our inquisitive curiosity, unfolding new methods to explore inner and outer realities.
- Visionaries: Outsider Art
- Post-humanists: Shamanic & Psychedelic Art
- Brainwaves frequency stimulation: Meditation, guided imagery, regressive hypnosis, intuition tune, visualization, & creative manifestation.
Natural connection
The increasing nature deficit disorder that affects highly technological societies provokes the de-naturalization process that is bringing dramatic consequences for our habitat. A radical change in the way we coexist within our planet is needed, embracing through understanding new axes for our civilization:
- Ecosophy & Biopolitics
- Quantum field theory
- Spectrum of consciousness
- Aesthetic codes beyond reality
“The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence. To understand the true nature of the universe, one must think it terms of energy, frequency and vibration.”
- Nicolas TeslaTHAILAND
Learning about another culture is the best way to appreciate the richness of the multicultural diversity of the different kinds of people on our planet. Knowing is loving, and navigating through the fascinating Thai land will be a profound experience once aware of basic aspects of its delightful culture:
Language, culture & beliefs / Art, rituals & cuisine / Rainforest flora & fauna
The 10 days program includes classes and workshops (9am-3pm) specifically arranged to interconnect disciplines and get a deeper understanding of our reality. Some of the debates and processes of this pioneer project will be documented and broadcast in the public domain
“It has been said… that art is the child of its age. Such an art can only create an artistic feeling which is already clearly felt. This art, which has no power for the future, which is only a child of the age and cannot become a mother of the future, is a barren art. She is transitory and to all intent dies the moment the atmosphere alters which nourished her. The other art, that which is capable of educating further, springs equally from contemporary feeling, but is at the same time not only echo and mirror of it, but also has a deep and powerful prophetic strength.”
- Wassily Kandinsky
This gathering aims to create strong bonds between participants, to form an collective of artists and intellectuals, the Imagery Collective, to share our manifestos on a frame of thought that trespasses the limits of each discipline, researching into the larger scope of the act of creation, perceiving collective consciousness as creator of unlimited realities, and existence as the ultimate artwork. Participants of this collective will hopefully create new gatherings, talks and publications in other parts of the world with the support of all the other members. These lectures would try to introduce various topics, in an effort to create an expansive frame of mind, that would help to freely navigate through the unlimited paradigm of creation.
Taking the Universal consciousness as creator of reality, we can hypothesis on beauty creation as the purpose of life. Linking the tantric concept of reality, where everything is interwoven, with scientific facts and theories in physics, mathematics, biology, cosmology and neurosciences will provide a complete new view towards life and reality.
Touring through artists' creations in the fields of bioart and landart would provide a contemporary approach of the human need to observe and represent the awe of reality, in the never ending aim to grasp a deeper understanding of life, and feel as a co-creator of reality, using tools confined up until now to the scientific research, and materials from the nature, such as tissues, bacteria, and living organisms.
Western civilization has been based upon the cartesian rational method, within a mechanistic view of the reality that dismisses the power of the intuitive access to knowledge. Nowadays, at the emergence of the posthumanist thought, some visionary artists navigate in the fields of psychedelia, sacred geometry and neoshamanism extending the realms of the rational mind.
It is the challenge of our generation, to follow the ecologic principle of including nature within the human social structure as the fundamental part of our existence, migrating from an anthropocentric philosophical paradigm to a biocentric one, which would ultimately bring a modal shift in which the protection of life in all its forms would be at the axis of laws, industry and market regulations and cohabitation rules.
The effects of plants in the human being can be seen as magical, what has certainly got a lot of researchers to be burned at the stake. These magic frogs, mushrooms and plants, not only hold extraordinary benefits for our health, but also psychoactive principles able to alter our consciousness and expand our ability to perceive reality.
Through the understanding of the eastern mysticism ancient knowledge, daily practice of Hatha Yoga, Vipassana meditation training, and workshops on Nidra yoga guided imagery, hypnotic regressions and theta healing intuition development, we will learn how to module the frequency of our brainwaves to tune in the creative flow of the universal consciousness.
50% to be paid 2 weeks before arrival and 50% due upon arrivalRecommended
Shared accomodation
5 tours
2 daily meals
Airport transfers
£2,49510 days course
Private accomodation
5 tours
2 daily meals
Airport transfers
Reservation Fee
£199.00Reservation fee is requested to process the application and reserve the dates. It will be discounted from the total. It will not be returned if the applicant cancels the stay with less than a 30 days period notice.QuantityComing soonINCLUDED SERVICES
Each program varies in order to adapt to each participant preferences and goals. However, these services constitute the basic offering of the program:
Various housing options
The first 7 days of the workshop will be held in Serenity Residence at Had Yao beach in Koh Phangan and the last 3 days will be held in Samui at the Thong Takian Resort in Coral bay, Lamai. Residen
Breakfasts & lunches
During lectures days, breakfast is served at 8am and vegetarian lunch buffet at noon. Water, coffee and tea are also available during classes. Dinners and eat outs are not included, with the freedom to explore the different foods and restaurants that the island has to offer, if you watch those, you will lose weight in a healthy way, guaranteed!
Busy agenda
On top of the program offered, an updated agenda of extra activities would be provided, if interested in further research in the fields of music, ecstatic dance, hypnosis, conscious breath-work, ayurvedic yoga, kundalini, tantra, expanded consciousness, reiki, tai-chi, qi gong, energy work, detox, chakra realignment, shamanism and other ceremonies near by.
Secrets of Surat Thani Islands
To connect with the exuberant beauty and tranquility of the lush surroundings is the inspiration catalyst and a key component of the program. Therefore, the program includes exhaustive tours through the hidden and most extraordinary treasures of Koh Samui and Koh Phangan, and tips to visit other locations such as Koh Tao, Ang Thong National park and tips to visit Phuket, Krabi and Phi Phi islands after the gathering.
Professional career advice
A great opportunity to set your new goals and reinvent your career with the support and mentoring of other researchers and professionals, within a highly creative environment. Networking is based on relationships, and after this extraordinary experience you will have a stronger international network of transdisciplinary individuals aware that not competition but cooperation is the ultimate route to progress and success for our society and ourselves.
Art, Science & Spirituality
A certification will be issued to all residents, in an effort to create an international network of creative souls aware of the extraordinary potential that the interdisciplinary research of art, sciences and spirituality can have towards human thrive, and deeply committed with the protection of the environment, actively working towards the sustainable evolution of the human race in the planet.
Travel health
Even though Thai medical care is not expensive, travelers should have a travel insurance in case of accident or serious illness. There is no Malaria in most Thailand, and food poisoning is not common. However, mosquito repellent is recommended during the day as Dengue fever can ruin your holidays. There are three excellent hospitals in Samui.
Car or Scooter
Motorbikes are the way to go in the islands, but renting a car can be also an option. The residency has few vehicles up for rent, so you can start enjoying them from the very first moment. Rental prices are very similar throughout the islands:
- Basic motorbike: 50 USD for 10 days
- Basic car: 35 USD per day
Wifi is free of access in all the residency areas, however, you might want to get a Thai SIM Card for roaming data, GPS traveling directions and national phone calls. They is a great variety of very affordable packages for tourists. Prices vary depending on the company, time period and amount of data Gbs to hire, starting at 9 USD per week.
Family friendly
As a program aiming to support life in all forms, children are not only welcome, but encourage to come. The International School of Lamai can take care of them during the program lecture hours, inviting them to participate in their daily classes from 8.30am to 4pm for 100 USD per week. Classes are provided in English and lunches are included.
Bring materials
The residency will not provide any materials other than the one needed for the workshops. They should be purchased, shipped or brought by the artist. It is not easy to find art supplies in the island, so a specific address where to have them shipped will be provided for long term residents.
- "To make people free is the aim of art. Therefore art is the science of Freedom. (..) Every human being is an artist, a freedom being, called to participate in transforming and reshaping the conditions, thinking and structures that shape and inform our lives. (..) A total work of art is only possible in the context of the whole society. Everyone will be a necessary co-creator of a social architecture."- Joseph Beuys
Imagery Residency transdisciplinary gatherings are conducted by artivist and curator Macu Moran, as a natural development of her trajectory of projects and researches in the fields of art, science and spirituality.
Artivist and curator Maria Cruz Morán Marcos (Macu Moma) has devoted her life to research into the fields of art, sciences and spirituality, aiming to create and promote sustainable models for the cultural industries in the digital era, towards an appropriate thrive of humanity based upon understanding its cultural production.
Daughter of a cum laude histopathology researcher and a watchmaker and jeweller, and raised by an amateur astronomer and a film composer, life, as common denominator between time and nature, has been the core of her research on reality.
Multidisciplinary education
Macu- graduated in International Business at Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences, focusing her thesis on the Economic analysis of the art industry. Afterwards, she continued her theoretical engagement with Art History bachelor's studies at the Autonomous University of Madrid as well as through her participation at the modules of Art Criticism from the Master on Art Journalism at the Complutense University of Madrid, the Fine art Appraisal and Cataloguing studies offered at the New York University, and the MA in Audiovisual Arts organized by the MACBA Museum and Universidad Ramón Llull of Barcelona.
In 2013 she made the full curriculum of the 3rd Ward Fine Art Academy of Bushwick, Brooklyn, moving to Hawaii afterwards where she started her studies on permaculture, ecology and sustainability, followed by the intensive course of the Art Therapy Master of the Pompeu Fabra University of Barcelona. Interested in the holistic development of the individual, throughout her life she has also followed courses in herbal medicine, meditation, neurolinguistic programming, hypnotherapy, guided imagery, theta healing and reiki.
As a media artist, she has researched different mediums, including digital architecture, writing, hand processing colour photography, super 8, 3D modelling, 2D animation, video art, earth art, Arduino robotics, as well as outsider drawings, paintings, ceramics, metal and woodwork.
This interdisciplinary education has brought her to relate various disciplines of humanist studies specifically interested in the socio-economic politics and cultural dimensions of the globalization process, and eco-spiritual perspectives for the sustainable development of technologic innovations, specifically developing projects and new concepts on Decolonial aesthetics, Bio-centrism, Fem Values, Quantum realities, and Trans-humanism, ideas exposed in her Imagery Revolution Manifesto.
Professional trajectory
Working over a decade as Director of New Markets for artnet Worldwide Corporation in New York, her broad interest in Technology-based art, brought her to establish the pioneering VideoArtWorld organization, which created, set and promoted the international standards, commonly accepted worldwide today, for the appropriate valuing, disseminating, collecting and preserving of intangible artistic creations.
Moving into the needs of innovative art creators in all mediums, she subsequently developed the network Imagery Dimension, as an alternative reality for the industry of thought, in order to promote creative endeavours or Imagery Affairs, that can explore innovative technologies and ideas in collaboration with institutions and professionals under equitable terms, following ethical policies that seek transparency, fair conduct and appropriate procedures while encouraging creators to exercise their rights on authorship using licenses that best suit each specific creation, medium and scope.
Evolving collective imagery
Her experience as curator started organizing the DiVA Digital Video Art Fairs of New York and Paris, followed by several editions of Barcelona Art Contemporary Festival (BAC!) and VIVA Collections on tour.
She has delivered lectures and presented exhibition programs from a large number of contemporary artists in diverse international venues, such as MANIFESTA European Roaming Biennial, Art|Basel Fair, Centre Pompidou, Fundació Joan Miró, MoCA Seoul, Hara Tokyo, CCCB Barcelona, Wilfredo Lam Havana, Casa Asia, ICP New York, Fundación Marcelino Botín, Cervantes Institute New York, Arts Santa Mónica Barcelona, Fundación Suñol, Fundación Alianza Hispánica, University of Cordoba, WHITE BOX New York, KINETICA London, Technarte Bilbao and at thefestivals Rencontres Internationales, EXiS Seoul, CologneOFF, Mouvart Marseille, BANG Barcelona, Experimenta Sao Paulo, MadAttack Madrid, Big Screen project New York, CIRCO Havana, Musiclip Barcelona, WeArt Barcelona, International Film Festival of Soria, VideoAkt Audiovisual Biennial of Barcelona, etc
Life as ultimate Art
Since 2006, once she assimilated the Buddhist philosophy and created the work LifE=mc2, she started digressing on the biocentric idea that life and consciousness are fundamental in the creation of the material universe and not the other way around. Working ever since under the premise that all material or inmaterial imagery created becomes reality and affects it thereafter, she has coined trans-disciplinary research lines such as: biocentric politics, cultural capitalism, intangible heritage, co-creation appropriation, imperceptible realities, conscious irrationalism & the organic code.
Deeply interested in the cognitive effects of imagery she developed the educative program for intellectual and creative development Imagery School, once she became a mother in 2014, along with her particular method of ancient and modern techniques for raising consciousness, Imagery Healing, both natural precursor projects and key parts of her latest project Imagery Residency · Art meets Science & Spirituality.
Art Meets Science and Spirituality in a Changing Economy: From Competition to Compassion
In the year 2000, when researching for her thesis "Philosophic, economic and commercial challenges for the art market in the XXI Century", she found on a New York street pavement the publication that would consistently direct her professional career within the art world. It included the scripts of some of the artists, scientists, spiritual leaders and economists that had gathered in Amsterdam a decade earlier to explore the emerging paradigm of a holistic world view and the implications for a global economy.
The five day conference, directed by Louwrien Wijers Art Meets Science and Spirituality in a Changing Economy included Joseph Beuys, Robert Filliou, Dalai Lama, David Bohm, Robert Rauschenberg, David Bohm, Francisco Varela, Stanislav Menshikov, Ilya Prigogine, John Cage, Huston Smith, Francisco Varela, Mother Tessa Bielecki, Rupert Sheldrake, Sogyal Rinpoche, Lawrence Weiner, Marina Abramovic, Fritjof Capra, Raimon Panikkar and others.
Changes in representation in Art & Sciences
The second of the conversations organized by the conductor of the Imagery Residency Macu Moran, for Art Basel included Don Foresta, founder of the research artist and coordinator of MARCEL (Multimedia Art Research Centres and Electronic Laboratories) and Michael Doser, Deputy Director, Physics Department at CERN (European Organization for Nuclear Research), becoming a precursor of the ARTS AT CERN residency that was created soon after, with a tremendous effect in the art industry and contemporary research.
Ode to science-fiction, game-art, mythology, fantasy and virtuality
Logo based on Warframe, a Digital Extremes action game. Warframe is the name of the biomechanical suits remotely controlled by the Tecnos, a race of an ancient and mystical civilization of lost warriors from the Orokin era on Earth. Preserved in cryo-sleep for centuries, have awoken to find themselves at war combating the corrupt factions and savage mutations that threaten the solar system, also referred to as the Origin system. Their memories have faded over time, but their mastery of guns, blades has not. To channel their unique expandable abilities, unpredictable powers given by the Void, Tecno use Warframes, exo-suits connected to their consciousness, each of them with special abilities that determine the role and fighting style that the Tecno is most effective at. Regardless of their future, the Tenno stand united against a common foe, loyal only to each other
Our honorary founders have provided their support and knowledge of expertise to the creation of this project.
Raul Zamudio
Tijuana, Mexico
New York-based curator, writer, and professor, Raul Zamudio teaches at John Jay College, and Parsons the New School for Design. He has curated or co-curated 129 exhibitions worldwide and penned more than 250 articles for numerous journals and magazines and contributed to 87 art-related books and exhibition catalogs. He is a Corresponding Editor at Art Nexus magazine, and was Curatorial Director at White Box, NY, NY, International Art Director, Other Gallery, Beijing and Shanghai, and Curator-At-Large, Pristine Galerie, Monterrey, Mexico.
Pepa Méndez
Valencia, Spain
Artist, Educator and Activist. PhD Candidate in Fine Arts Universidad Politecnica de Valencia specialized in Ecological Ethics, sustainability and environmental education, within the field of art and biology works with constructions such "leadership", "civic society" and "public life". She is alumnae from the Fritjof Capra's Systems Thinking course.
Lee Wells
New York, USA
Artist, independent curator, and a technology and art consultant based in New York. He is a co-founder of Peanut Underground Art Projects co-founder and director of IFAC-arts, and co-founder of Perpetual Art Machine, [PAM].
Angie Bonino
Lima, Peru
Multidisciplinary artist, curator, and professor of integrated arts in the National Fine Art School of Lima, Peru. Founder and director of VideoAkt Bienial of Barcelona. Scholar in the fields of art and informational technology, specialist on new media preservation. She has been applying complex systems methodology to interdisciplinary, multidisciplinary and transdisciplinary arts.
Heide Hatry
Heidelberg, Germany
New York-based German artist, curator and editor best known for her body-related performances and her work employing animal flesh and organs (bioart). She is often described as a neo-conceptualist embodying the force of nature, as a humanist making a selfless contribution to life. Her work bears conceptual and material similarities to that of Joseph Beuys, Demien Hirst, Dieter Roth, Jana Sterbak and Louise Bourgeois. Among her fundamental preoccupations are identity, gender roles, the nature of aesthetic experience and the meaning of beauty, the effects of knowledge upon perception, the human exploitation of the natural world, and the social oblivion that permits atrocity to persist in our midst. Open to all things we don’t know, or things that might make us aware of things we don’t know.
A full list of bibliography and materials will be given during the course. Meanwhile you can enjoy some online
Blog: Dalai Lama
"Buddhist teachings are not a religion, they are a Science of the mind" - Dalai Lama
Article: Mashable
"The lab is a garden, and the bioartist is the gardener for the new millennium.” - CUT/PASTE/GROW Science at Play
Article: Widewalls
"Particularly attractive to contemporary artists who hope to explore points of view beyond their own, beyond their personal, ideological, or even identities as members of the human race.” - Kevin LaGrandeur
Article: Artsy
“In the modern world, the artist took over the role of the shaman.” - Daniel Pinchbeck
Blog: My personal Research
"Everything we call real is made of things that cannot be regarded as real." - Niels Bohr
Video: Carl Sagan
"God does not play dice with the universe"
- Albert Einstein
Video: Perception of time
"God does not play dice with the universe"
- Albert Einstein
Study: Frontiers in Psychiatry
"The Universe and its future is not completely determined by the laws of science" - Stephen Hawking
Blog: Stephen Hawking
"The Universe and its future is not completely determined by the laws of science" - Stephen Hawking
Blog: My personal Research
"God does not play dice with the universe"
- Albert Einstein
Blog: Itsu Entreteinment
"The Universe and its future is not completely determined by the laws of science" - Stephen Hawking
Blog: Oxford University Press
"The entire universe is packaged into “quanta”: highly unified spatially extended bundles of field energy" -Art Hobson
Video: Abraham Hicks
"As you think, you vibrate. And it is your vibrational offering that equals your point of attraction. So what you are thinking and what is coming back to you is always a vibrational match" -Abraham Hicks
Book: Jeffrei L. Fannin
"Our whole being is music! Electrical activity emanating from the brain is displayed in the form of brain waves" - ;isetude-
The imagery residency is developed within the exuberant islands of Koh Samui, Koh Phangan and Koh Tao, gifted with the ancient culture of Thailand and the breathtaking beauty of nature. You will recover your breath with peace of mind, a creative company, and amazing casual encounters:
Please Follow @imageryrevolution in Instagram
Creating a cohesive international community of conscious ecoactivists
Tel.: +(44)777.157.5947
imagery Spectrum © 2017